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The Department of Classics announces the opening of a tenure-track position at the rank of entry-level Assistant Professor, starting fall term 2002. The position is for a HELLENIST, with research interests primarily in Greek poetry, but with the ability to teach undergraduate courses in both languages and literatures, as well as a variety of classical civilization courses. The teaching load (graduate and undergraduate) is 3 courses a term. Classics are taught both at the Bronx and Manhattan campuses of Fordham. The new appointee will be based at the Lincoln Center campus, to complement the Latinist currently on staff, with the possibility of an occasional course at the Bronx campus. Candidates should send complete dossiers with letters of recommendation by December 7th to Professor Robert J. Penella, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Classics, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458 ( The Department expects to interview at the APA convention in Philadelphia. Fordham is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Fordham is an independent, Catholic university in the Jesuit tradition that welcomes applications from men and women of all backgrounds.