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(new 2/18) Franklin and Marshall College invites applicants for a one-year renewable visiting appointment in Classical Archaeology beginning in fall, 2004. The position will be renewable for up to two years based on favorable departmental review. Applicants holding the Ph.D. who have teaching experience will be preferred. The successful candidate will be qualified to teach (1) introductory courses in Greek and Roman archaeology; (2) advanced seminars in Greek and Roman archaeology; and (3) a first-year writing-intensive seminar and/or an interdisciplinary general education course for the "Foundations" curriculum. Ability to teach either Greek or Latin language a plus. Please send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcript, and three letters of reference to Ann R. Steiner, Chairperson, Department of Classics, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003. Reading of completed dossiers will begin on February 15, 2004 and will continue until position is filled.

An Affirmative Action employer, Franklin and Marshall is committed to cultural pluralism through the hiring of minorities and women.

POSITION ONE: The Department of Classics seeks to fill a tenure-track position in Latin poetry at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, beginning Fall, 2004. Ph.D. in hand; college teaching experience and evidence of a commitment to fostering the continuing development of an outstanding classics program essential. Must demonstrate potential for and/or record of productive scholarship. In addition to Latin poetry at the intermediate and advanced level, teaching responsibilities include Latin at all levels and genres, ancient Greek, and courses in Franklin & Marshall's First Year Seminar program and the Foundations component of the general education program. Course load 3/2. Candidates should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and dossier including graduate transcript and three letters of recommendation to Professor Ann Steiner, Department of Classics, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003.

POSITION TWO: The Department of Classics seeks to fill a tenure-track position in Ancient History at the Assistant Professor level, beginning Fall, 2004. Ph.D. in hand; college teaching experience preferred. Must demonstrate potential for and/or record of productive scholarship. Teaching responsibilities include introductory courses and seminars in Greek and Roman history, Latin or ancient Greek, and courses in Franklin & Marshall's First Year Seminar program and the Foundations component of the general education program. Course load 3/2. Candidates should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and dossier including graduate transcript and three letters of recommendation to Professor Ann Steiner, Department of Classics, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003.

Founded in 1787, Franklin and Marshall College is a highly selective liberal arts college with a demonstrated commitment to cultural pluralism through the hiring of women and minorities. Deadline for applications is October 15, 2003. AA/EOE.