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Bard College invites applications for a full-time, non-tenure-track Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, to begin Fall 2019. The position is for one year, with the possibility of renewal. We seek a classicist with a commitment to energetic, engaged undergraduate teaching and an open research specialty related to ancient Greece or Rome (including material culture).

The successful candidate will teach Greek and Latin at all undergraduate levels and courses in Greek and Roman literature, history, and civilization. They will also contribute to First-year Seminar, Bard’s core Humanities course. A record of successful language teaching, especially at the beginning level, is essential. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or be nearing its completion.

To apply, please submit a cover letter, CV, evidence of teaching excellence (teaching statement, summary of course evaluations, and sample syllabi) and three letters of recommendation before March 1 through at: We anticipate interviewing shortlisted candidates via Skype shortly thereafter.

For more information on the Classics program at Bard College, visit or contact Lauren Curtis,

Bard College is an equal opportunity employer and is especially interested in candidates who intend to contribute to the diversity goals of the institution.