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The Georgetown University Classics Department invites applications for two full-time, tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor.

The first of these will be in Roman History. The area of research specialization is open, but candidates should be prepared to teach undergraduate courses in Roman republican and imperial history and culture as well as advanced undergraduate language courses on Greek and Latin prose authors.

The second position is in Roman literature. The area of research specialization is open, although our primary need is for a scholar specializing in poetry. Teaching responsibilities will include a wide variety of Latin and Greek at all undergraduate levels as well as courses on Roman literature and culture in translation.

For both positions, preference will be given to candidates with outstanding scholarly potential and with demonstrated teaching experience and ability. The successful candidates must have the Ph.D. in hand by the time of taking up the appointment. For best consideration, send cover letter, curriculum vitae, dossier including at least three letters of reference, and a short writing sample to Alexander Sens, Classics Department, Georgetown University, Washington DC, 20057 by November 1, 2001. Preliminary interviews will be conducted only at the APA/AIA annual meeting in Philadelphia. Georgetown University is an Equal-Opportunity, Affirmative-Action employer.