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Tenure-track position in the Department of Classics, starting Fall 2010 (definite position). Area of scholarly specialization is open, but the department currently has members focusing on Greek lyric, Roman lyric, and ancient philosophy. Broad training in classics is highly desirable; strength in classical mythology or literature-in-translation may be an asset. Assistant Professor (PhD) preferred; Instructor (ABD) or Associate Professor possible. Grinnell College is a highly selective undergraduate liberal arts college. The classics department provides instruction in Greek and Latin language and literature along with Greek and Roman history, art, and archaeology. The teaching schedule of five courses over two semesters may include Greek or Latin courses at any level; every few years one course will be Tutorial (a writing/critical thinking course for first-year students, on a special topic chosen by the instructor). In letters of application, candidates should discuss their interest in developing as a teacher and scholar in an undergraduate, liberal-arts college that emphasizes close student-faculty interaction. They also should discuss what they can contribute to efforts to cultivate a wide diversity of people and perspectives, a core value of Grinnell College. To be assured of full consideration, all application materials should be received by November 15, 2009. Send letter of application, c.v., transcripts (copies are acceptable), at least three letters of recommendation, and a sample of scholarly writing to Professor Joseph Cummins, Department of Classics, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA 50112-1690. [], 641-269-3160; fax 641-269-4985. For complete description, please see AA/EOE