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Applications are invited for four research positions in the project ‘Experience and Teleology in Ancient Narrative’ funded by the European Research Council and directed by Jonas Grethlein, Classics Department, Heidelberg University, Germany.

The project is concerned with time, both as a central category of human life and as a formal feature of narrative. In combining these two perspectives, the project addresses the significance of narrative form. An analysis of narrative time can shed new light on stories as a means of coming to grip with time. The testing grounds for this approach will be ancient Greek and Latin literature. Further information about the aims and methods of the project can be found at .

The positions advertised are the following:

- Ph.D. 1: Greek literature: research proposals focusing on the Greek novel are particularly welcome, but other fields will also be considered.

- Ph.D. 2: Roman literature: research proposals focusing on Flavian epic are particularly welcome, but other fields will also be considered.

- Postdoc 1: Divination as narrative device: oracles, signs and dreams are pervasive in ancient literature and form an important narrative device. Divination is therefore an attractive topic for a project that explores the treatment of time across genres.

- Postdoc 2: Time/experience in ancient literary criticism: this project will complement the investigation of narrative practice with an exploration of ancient theory. Reflections on narrative time and audience response can be found in various sources including aesthetic theory, rhetorical handbooks and scholia. The Ph.D. positions are for three years, the Postdoc positions for four years.

Salary will be in accordance with E 13 TVL ( ). The successful candidates will write in English or German. While command of German is no requirement, candidates are expected to be willing to acquire a passive knowledge of German once the project has started. Applications should include a CV, a writing sample, two letters of recommendation (to be sent by the referees directly to and a research proposal of no more than 1500 words (including bibliography). The deadline is March 31, 2013. Interviews will be held at the end of April 2013. The project will start August 1, 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. Questions about formal and administrative aspects of the application should be directed to Sabine Hug ( Questions about the academic aspects of the projects should be directed to Jonas Grethlein ( Please submit applications electronically to