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Nationally renowned high school classics program is currently seeking a full time classicist to teach classical Greek and Latin. Jackson Preparatory School awards a Classical Heritage Diploma and offers five years of Latin including AP and other advanced courses, three years of Greek, Roman culture, Greek culture, and a Trojan cycle course. Jackson Prep also provides a spring break student-teacher study tour of Italy. The school is located in Jackson, Mississippi, near Millsaps College, a nationally ranked liberal arts college with a strong classics department. Students at Prep are competitive and disciplined, and teachers have an opportunity to make a difference. Interviews for the position will be held at the APA convention. This position has been approved by the administration. Jackson Prep readily complies with fair-hiring and affirmative action procedures. Send CV to Patsy Ricks, 216 River Place, Jackson, Mississippi 39211, Phone and Fax: 601-956-5642.