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  1. CLASSICS. Kalamazoo College seeks a general classicist for a full-time, tenure track position to begin fall of 2000. Ph.D. (or evidence of imminent completion) required; teaching experience preferred. Salary competitive and consistent with level of experience. Responsibilities include teaching two courses for each of three quarters and providing students with a reasonable amount of help outside the classroom. Courses will consist of Greek and/or Latin language classes and classical civilization classes. Hellenists with interests in tragedy, ancient religion and/or women in antiquity will be given closest consideration. Candidates are expected to have a high aptitude and interest in undergraduate teaching, a commitment to the liberal arts, and a desire to involve undergraduates in scholarship both inside and outside the classroom. Completed applications received by December 1, 1999 will receive full consideration, with later applications reviewed as needed until the position is filled. Interviews will be conducted at APA meeting in Dallas. Send curriculum vitae (including a description of scholarly interests), transcripts (graduate and undergraduate), a detailed statement of teaching philosophy and goals, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Peter L. Corrigan, Chair, Classics Search, Kalamazoo College, 1200 Academy Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49006-3295. Kalamazoo College encourages candidates who will contribute to the cultural diversity of the College to apply and identify themselves if they wish. EOE. (posted 10/14/99)