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Leiden University - Leiden, the Netherlands
The Department of Classics at the University of Leiden invites applications for a Senior Latinist (Full Professor/Occupant of the Chair of Latin). The successful candidate will be expected to have an exceptionally strong research and teaching record (graduate and undergraduate levels) and good managerial qualities. There is a long Dutch tradition of co-operation between secondary and tertiary education in Classics, to which it is hoped the candidate will make a contribution. The successful candidate will be expected to gain a mastery of Dutch in two years time. A complete job description is available on request.

Those willing to be considered for the position and those who wish to bring possible candidates to our attention should make written application to the Dean of the School of Arts, University of Leiden, POB 9515, 2300 RA Leiden. The application should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and a plan for future research. Interested parties can request an extensive job description from the Office of the Dean (phone: +31 71 527 2318); email: The Dean is prepared to provide further information about the Chair. He can also be reached at the above-mentioned telephone-number.

The University of Leiden is an equal opportunities employer. Women are, therefore, especially urged to apply.