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Macalester College invites applications for an approved tenure-track position in Classics at the level of Assistant Professor. Candidates must be able to teach Greek and Latin language and literature at all levels. Areas of research and pedagogical interest should add to a thriving and interdisciplinary undergraduate Classics department. Our foremost interest is in Greek literature and literary studies, but attractive additional strengths include the geographic areas of Anatolia or Egypt, late antiquity, Byzantine studies, other languages of the ancient Near East, material culture, and/or issues of ethnicity and identity in the ancient Mediterranean.

We are especially interested in applicants dedicated to excellence in both teaching and research in a liberal arts setting and committed to working with students of diverse backgrounds. The Classics Department sponsors multiple study and research opportunities abroad. For further information about the position, visit the full listing on the College Web site ( or contact department chair Beth Severy-Hoven (

To apply, go to and submit electronically a letter of application, CV, graduate school transcript, and statement of teaching philosophy and interests. Also, arrange for three references to upload letters to accompany the application. If you or your references prefer to mail your application, please send them to: Classics Department Search, Macalester College, Classics Department, 1600 Grand Avenue, St Paul, MN 55105. Applications should be received by October 15 to receive fullest consideration, but will be accepted until the position is filled. We anticipate conducting preliminary interviews at the APA/AIA Annual Meeting in Anaheim.