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This projects' primary goal is to compile a holistic set of data about Panhellenic victory networks in the Archaic period, and to present this set in a dynamic and interactive manner. Using not only information present in the textual sources such as Pindar and Bacchylides' epinikian odes, but also the material record of dedications and inscriptions in sanctuaries, this project aims to provide a general tool for understanding the games "circuit" in the late 6th and early 5th centuries BCE, as well as the ways in which these victories were commemorated and used to build prestige by individuals, families, and communities. The project will consist of georeferenced locations of sanctuaries, monuments, and the metadata pertaining to finds and textual references, as well as images of these finds and locations. This wide-based evidence will support isolated or inclusive inquiries through the use of multivalent filters and will allow scholars, students, and hobbyists of all types to view evidence as the occasion demands, and facilitate new connections and lines of inquiry through the novel presentation of this material. Although the first phase will focus on the four major Panhellenic games in the aforementioned time period, a theoretical second phase could continue to compile information and references to games at small regional sanctuaries throughout the Archaic and Classical Greek world, or extend the temporal window farther into the Classical and Hellenistic periods and beyond.