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Mary Washington College - Fredericksburg, VA
We have just been informed that the position advertised in September, 2001 by Mary Washington College has been cancelled. MWC has decided to restructure their position to that of a more senior level and as a result will be conducting a new job search in the future. MWC is in the process of corresponding with each candidate who has applied and is sorry for any inconvenience caused by this decision.

Mary Washington College invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Classics at the rank of assistant professor beginning August 2002. Area of Specialization within Greek and Latin Literature: Open. Applicants must have the Ph.D. in hand by June 2002 and are expected to have a proven commitment to scholarship and teaching and be competent to teach Latin and Greek at all levels as well as courses in translation. Responsibilities include four courses (three preparations) per semester, undergraduate advising, and committee work. Send a letter of application including a c.v., at least three letters of recommendation, graduate school transcripts, and a sample of scholarly writing to: Prof. Craig Vasey, Chair, Department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion; Mary Washington College; 1301 College Avenue; Fredericksburg, VA 22401; applications must be received by 5 p.m., November 15, 2001. (MWC intends to conduct interviews at the APA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, January 2002. Please indicate if you are planning to attend the convention.) Questions may be addressed to Ms. Cindy Toomey: (540) 654-1023;, or visit our web site: Mary Washington College is a selective public co-educational undergraduate institution located 50 miles south of Washington, DC. In a continuing effort to enrich its academic environment and provide equal educational and employment opportunities, Mary Washington College actively encourages women and minorities to apply.