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To fill the John MacNaughton Chair in Classics, effective 1 August 2005, the Department of History and Classics Program announces a search for an accomplished historian of Ancient Greece. The field is open. It is expected that the successful candidate, in addition to duties in Classical history, will contribute to the offerings of the Classics Program by the offering of one course per year in the reading of historical texts and sources in Ancient Greek or Latin. The ability to teach undergraduate and graduate courses is required. A letter of application, curriculum vitae, one-page statement of approach to teaching the subject, and three confidential letters of reference should be sent to Professor Brian Lewis, Chair, Department of History, McGill University, 855 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2T7. The review of files will begin on 15 November 2004 and will continue until the position is filled. We encourage all qualified people to apply, but Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. McGill University is committed to equity in employment. English is the language of instruction at McGill, but knowledge of French is an asset.