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POSITION ONE: The Department of Classics at McMaster University invites applications for a new tenure-track appointment in Greek Literature at the Assistant Professor level to commence July 1, 2009. McMaster University is a research-intensive university, and the Department of Classics has an undergraduate degree program in Classics, as well as a graduate program at the M.A. and Ph.D. level. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Classics, with specialization in Greek language and literature, and demonstrated excellence in teaching and research, with a clearly defined research program which will result in publication. The successful candidate will be expected to teach ancient Greek language and literature at all levels (in the original as well as in translation) and to contribute to all aspects of the Department's graduate programme. The ability to teach courses in Latin as well as Greek is an advantage. Applicants should send a letter of application, together with a curriculum vitae and a sample of their writing (e.g., an article or chapter of a book/dissertation) to: Dr. Michele George, Chair, Department of Classics, McMaster University, 1280 Main West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4M2, Canada. E-mail:; fax: (905) 577-6930.

Applications must be received by Friday, November 28, 2008, and applicants should arrange for three letters of reference to reach the Department by the same date. All documentation submitted in support of your application becomes the property of the University and is not returnable. The Department will be conducting interviews at the January 2009 meeting of the American Philological Association in Philadelphia. Applicants are encouraged to consult the departmental website at:

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority. McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of sexual minorities, and persons with disabilities.

POSITION TWO: Post-doctoral Fellowship in Roman Studies, 2009-2010. The Department of Classics at McMaster University invites qualified applicants to apply for a one-year E. Togo Salmon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Roman Studies to commence July 1, 2009. The Fellow receives an annual stipend of $45,000 Canadian, a professional development allowance of $1,500, and up to $5,000 in research funds (to be applied for separately). The successful candidate will teach one course per term and undertake research in Roman history, archaeology, or literature. The successful applicant will have a supervisor within the department. Applicants should be not more than three years beyond their completed PhD. Those with a defence scheduled no later than May 2009 are welcome to apply.

A curriculum vitae, 3-page research proposal, and three confidential letters of reference, one of which must be from the thesis supervisor, should be sent to: Salmon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Classics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON Canada L8S 4M2 by November 30, 2008. Formal interviews will not be held, but members of the department will be happy to meet with potential candidates at the American Philological Association in Philadelphia. Please contact Dr. Michele George, Chair ( to arrange a meeting. Candidates are encouraged to consult the department's website:

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority. McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, and persons with disabilities.

POSITION THREE: The Department of Classics at McMaster University invites applications for a contractually limited appointment to run for one year (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010). The successful candidate will teach 6 courses (3 per term), including classical archaeology (1 Greek archaeology, 3 Roman archaeology) and two sections of first year Latin. A Ph.D. in Classics with specialization in Archaeology is required, and a record of excellent teaching is preferred. Applicants should send (in hard copy only) a letter of application, together with a curriculum vitae and a sample of their writing, to Dr. Michele George, Chair, Department of Classics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4M2, Canada; fax: 905-577-6930. Applications must be received by April 1, 2009, and applicants should arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to reach the department by the same date.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. However, those legally able to work in Canada and at McMaster University will be given priority. McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. Accordingly, the University especially encourages applications from women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of sexual minorities and persons with disabilities.

More information on Classics at McMaster is available on our website: