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The Department of Classics has a definite tenure-track position for an Assistant Professor or Instructor (ABD), beginning September 2005. We are seeking a generalist whose research interests complement those of current members of the department. Applications from candidates working in Roman literature or the intersection of Roman and Greek literature are especially encouraged. Candidates should be prepared to teach Greek and Latin at all levels, as well as introductory lecture courses and seminars on literature in translation. Excellence in undergraduate teaching is essential. Application materials must include a letter with a statement of teaching interests, curriculum vitae, graduate transcript (for candidates without teaching experience outside their PhD program), three current letters of recommendation, at least two of which must speak to teaching ability, and a short (no more than thirty pages) sample of scholarly work. Candidates who applied for the one-year position last year are welcome to reactivate their dossiers with an updated letter of application and CV (and letters of recommendation where appropriate). The deadline is December 1, 2004. All materials should be sent to Professor Jane Chaplin, Chair, Department of Classics, Twilight Hall, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT 05753; telephone number for questions is (802) 443-5111. Interviews will be conducted at the annual meeting in Boston. Middlebury College is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to recruiting a diverse faculty to complement the increasing diversity of its student body.