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Millsaps College invites applications to fill a tenure-track position in Classical Studies at the rank of Assistant Professor; duties begin August 2001. Apart from evidence of committed scholarly activity, the successful candidate will show strong evidence of successful undergraduate teaching and be a strong supporter of a liberal arts education and of interdisciplinary studies. Classical Studies at Millsaps College is a cornerstone of the college's Core Curriculum, contributing its faculty and its courses to numerous programs, attracting majors and minors from all areas of study. Teaching duties involve 3 courses per semester at any level of Latin and Greek language and literature as well as humanities courses in the ancient and pre-modern world. All areas of specialization will be considered; interests in the European middle ages and/or non-western culture are particularly useful.

Millsaps College is a National Selective Liberal Arts College founded by the United Methodist Church in 1890. It hosts the only chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in the state. The college occupies a beautiful 100-acre residential campus in the heart of Jackson-a growing metropolitan area of 400,000 and the political, financial, medical, legal, and cultural center of Mississippi. Enrollment is 1,400, with an annual operation budget in excess of $30 million. Millsaps College is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from all sectors of the population. (

Interested persons should send a letter of application, a teaching dossier (e.g., syllabi and evaluations), curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to Catherine Freis, Chair, Department of Classical Studies, Millsaps College, 1701 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39210. Review of applications will begin November 15. Selected candidates will be interviewed at the APA/AIA meeting in San Diego in January 2001.