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The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University invites applications for two positions. The first is a post-doctoral fellowship of one year's duration, beginning on July 1, 2011; the second is a full-time sessional sabbatical leave replacement for 9 months, beginning on August 1, 2011. Both are subject to budgetary approval.

For both positions, the Department of Classics seeks a candidate with an active research programme and appropriate teaching experience. The successful candidate for the post-doctoral position will teach four courses per year in ancient history, ancient literature, Greek and Roman art and archaeology and/or Greek and Latin. The successful candidate for the sabbatical leave replacement will teach five courses per year in ancient history, ancient literature, Greek and Roman art and archaeology and/or Greek and Latin. For this second position, preference will be given to candidates who teach Greek mythology. In both instances, the candidate should possess a Ph.D. and should be willing to teach and research within the framework of the undergraduate programme in Classics. The full-time sessional appointment will be made at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor.

Mount Allison University has earned a national reputation for its excellent undergraduate programs. The Department of Classics teaches both introductory and advanced Greek and Latin language, and also holds a yearly archaeological field school. The University's facilities and growing emphasis on research support make this an attractive place to work, and our location is in a small historic town only 30 minutes from Moncton and its international airport.

Applicants should indicate if they are applying for both positions; if they are applying only for one position, this should also be indicated. An application should include a cover letter noting the courses or areas in which the applicant is prepared to teach, a curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy, and letters of recommendation from three referees, and should be sent in electronic or paper format to:

Dr. Bruce Robertson

Head and Chair of the Search Committee

Department of Classics

Mount Allison University

63D York St.

Sackville, NB E4L 1G9

Tel: 506-364-2695

Fax: 506- 364-2645


Consideration of applications will commence on March 15, 2011.

Mount Allison University welcomes diversity in the workplace and encourages applications from all qualified women and men, including aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Canadian and permanent residents should indicate their citizenship status in their application.