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The Department of Classics invites applications for a two-year full-time non-tenure-track renewable appointment as Lecturer and Director of Latin Instruction, to start September 1, 2006. Subject to institutional need and resources and to job performance, this is a continuing position. Required: Ph.D. Responsibilities: teaching first- and second-year Latin, and administering the program, including placement exams and enrichment projects; demonstrably excellent teaching record; evidence of administrative ability. Occasional opportunities to teach literature at a more advanced level are probable. Candidates should send letter of application, CV, and evidence of teaching success--and have three letters of recommendation, at least one of which comments on past or projected administrative success--sent directly to Latin Search Committee, Department of Classics, Northwestern University, 1880 Campus Drive 1-535, Evanston, Illinois 60208-2200. Review of complete applications will begin April 17th and continue until the position is filled. AA/EOE; women and minority scholars are encouraged to apply.

The Department of Classics at Northwestern University invites applications for a Mellon Post-doctoral Fellowship. We seek new PhDs in classics or art history whose field of expertise is Greek and/or Roman art and archaeology. The successful candidate will be a superior scholar and promising teacher interested in contributing to our interdisciplinary community. The appointment is for two years beginning September 2006 and is not renewable. PhD must be completed by the start date. Teaching load is two quarter-long courses each year, allowing for substantial time for research. Salary plus funding for professional travel, computer support and similar expenses. Women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply. Applications should include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, sample of scholarly writing, brief research proposal, evidence of teaching success, and three letters of reference. Review of applications will begin on December 15th and continue until the position is filled. Submit applications on-line at or mail them to Professor Sara Monoson, Chair, Department of Classics, Northwestern University, 1-535 Kresge Hall, 1880 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208-2200, tel. 847/491-7597; fax 847/491-7598; email: AA/EOE

The Department of Classics of Northwestern University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship, beginning September 2006. Candidates must demonstrate broad and innovative intellectual interests, outstanding scholarly abilities and commitment to teaching. We are particularly interested in scholars specializing in either drama or social history. Primary focus may be either Greek or Roman. The successful candidate will contribute to the department's cross-disciplinary faculty collaborations for graduate education in comparative literary studies and political and social thought or be able to spearhead collaborations in theatre and drama, history or visual culture studies and help develop our undergraduate classics curriculum in imaginative ways. In addition to membership in the Department of Classics, the successful candidate will be a core member of Northwestern's Classical Traditions Initiative (CTI), a multi-disciplinary forum for discussion of the cultures of classical antiquity and their reception, involving faculty in classics, comparative literature, philosophy, English, political theory, rhetoric, theatre, religion and history. AA/EOE. Women and minority scholars are encouraged to apply. Review of applications will begin on November 15 and continue until position is filled. We plan to interview at the APA. Candidates should send a letter of application, CV and a writing sample (25 pp max), and have three letters of recommendation reach the search committee by the deadline. Materials may either be submitted on-line by following the instructions found at, or mailed to Professor Sara Monoson, Search Committee Chair, Department of Classics, Northwestern University, 1880 Campus Drive 1-535, Evanston, IL 60208-2200.