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Pennsylvania State University - UNIVERSITY PARK, PA

The Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies at The Pennsylvania State University seeks applicants for a tenure-track appointment in Greek literature at the Assistant Professor level beginning August, 2002. Current departmental strengths in Greek literature and culture include archaic Greek poetry, historical linguistics, biography, novel, and Greek history and historiography (the department's Web page can be found at http// Teaching responsibilities include Greek language and literature at all levels and large lecture courses on Greek mythology and civilization. Familiarity with the ancient Near East desirable but not required. Ph.D. in hand by date of application required, along with full-time teaching experience and evidence of scholarly publication(s). Send letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a sample of scholarly writing of no more than 30 pages, and three letters of recommendation to Professor Deborah Beck, Chair, Hellenist Search Committee, Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, 108 Weaver Building, Box A, Penn State, University Park, PA 16802-5500. Review of applications will begin immediately and will be accepted until the position is filled. Those received by December 27, 2001 will be considered for interviews at the APA/AIA annual meetings in Philadelphia. AA/EOE.