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  • Kenneth Reckford, Pueri ludentes: Some Aspects of Play and Seriousness in Horace's Epistles


  • Maria C. Pantelia, "Helen and the Last Song for Hector"

    This article examines the order of the three laments in Iliad 24 and especially the significance of Helen's prominent position as the last mourner of Hector. The article suggests that Helen's position in the trio of mourning women is dictated not by ritual form or by her relation to Hector but by virtue of her particular understanding of the importance of heroic kleos and poetry as the means for conferring it.

  • John Kirkpatrick and Francis Dunn, "Heracles, Cercopes, and Paracomedy"

    At Eur. Her. 1380-81 Heracles imagines his weapons talking to him in direct speech, and rebuking him for the murder of his wife and children. Such a conceit is out of place in tragedy. The authors suggest that it is best explained as an allusion to the Cercopes, who figure prominently, and utter stinging rebukes, in one of Heracles' comic exploits. The anomalous moment in Euripides' play is read as representing and reevaluating the hero's complex and unfinished identity. Finally, the authors trace the effect of this allusion after Euripides, situating the reassessment of the hero within a larger dialogue involving sculpture, vase-painting, comedy, and satyr-drama.

  • William Tieman, "Cause in History and the Amnesty at Athens: An Introduction"

    Introduction to a set of papers on the Athenian Amnesty of 403 B.C.

  • James M. Quillin, "Achieving Amnesty: The Role of Events, Institutions, and Ideas"

    This paper offers a causal explanation for why the democratic majority in Athens for the most part did not exploit the power it held in the People's Courts and dokimasia proceedings to drive former oligarchic collaborators out of public life in the years following the fall of the Thirty. A model, based on decision theory, of the decision-making process under the Athenian democracy is developed. Its predictions are assessed against the extant speeches of the period. The author argues that the success of defendants was made possible by common perceptions of recent events, by features of Athens' legal institutions, and by the ingenuity of the speechwriters.

  • Andrew Wolpert, "Lysias 18 and Athenian Memory of Civil War"

    Attempts to explain the success of the Athenian reconciliation in 403 B.C.E. are easily frustrated because the evidence is incomplete and because the conditions of postwar Athens were not exceptional. Peace was not imposed on the Athenians through rules and regulations; rather, it was constructed in civic discourse. The Athenian reconciliation can, therefore, be better appreciated if studied as a cultural construct that was ultimately negotiated on the plane of ideology. Using Lysias 18 as a case study, the author shows how civil war confounded the identity of Athenian citizens. Although discursive analysis cannot explain why the Athenians avoided further civil war, it does allow us to contextualize the disputes of the restored democracy, to appreciate how Athenians remembered defeat and civil war, and to understand how the past either united or divided them.

  • Josiah Ober, "Social Science History, Cultural History, and the Amnesty of 403"

    Response to a set of papers on the Athenian Amnesty of 403 B.C.

  • George W. Houston, "The Slave and Freedman Personnel of Public Libraries in Ancient Rome"

    The lower-level personnel in Roman public libraries of the early Empire were part of the emperor's domestic staff, just as they had been household slaves in late Republican libraries. This observation carries important implications. The book collections, at least in origin, were the emperor's private possessions, not public services like the roads, and he might closely control their use. His slave vilici, not equestrian procurators, ordinarily directed the daily work of the staff, and the commissioners of all the libraries (originally Greek intellectuals, and not always procurators) may have served primarily as scholarly advisers. No evidence supports the idea of a centralized library administration.


  • Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., Vice President for Education, "Navigating the Shoals: Teacher Training in our Graduate Programs"
  • Robert W. Cape, Jr., "Teachers at the Helm or Teachers Adrift? Results of the APA Survey on T.A. Teacher Training"
  • Miriam R. P. Pittenger, "Navigating the Shoals at Home: Establishing a T.A. Training Course"
  • George W. Houston, "The Ideal of Teacher Training within the Reality of the Ph.D. Program"
  • Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., "Quis docebit doctores? Proposed Models for Change"


  • Stephen Harrison, "A. E. Housman's Latin Elegy to Moses Jackson"