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Reed College invites applications for a one-year appointment in classics and humanities at the assistant professor level. Preference will be given to a generalist with equal competence in the Greek and Latin languages and literatures. It is essential that the appointee have a serious commitment to intensive undergraduate teaching and be prepared to participate in a first-year humanities course focussed on Graeco-Roman civilization and to teach three other courses in Greek and/or Latin language or literature at any undergraduate level. The advising of undergraduate senior theses may also be required. The successful candidate will be expected to have the Ph.D. in hand at the start of the appointment. Salary will be determined by the appointee's qualifications and experience. Please send complete dossier, including at least three letters of recommendation and a writing sample of moderate length to Professor Richard S. Tron, Chair, Classics Search Committee, Reed College, Portland, OR 97202. The deadline for receipt of materials is December 15, 2001. EOE.