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Ripon College invites applications for a two-year appointment as an ACM-Mellon post-doctoral teacher-scholar fellow in Classical Studies beginning August 2010.

Sponsored through generous funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation administered by the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM,) a consortium of 14 independent liberal arts colleges, the Ripon position involves half-time teaching responsibilities for three semester courses each year: a one-semester course in the first-year studies program, a one-semester course in classical studies, each of which may focus on the fellow’s field(s) of interest; and a one-semester course in Greek or Latin language or literature. There will be campus-based mentoring for effective teaching at a liberal arts college and support for developing a research agenda, plus consortial orientations and workshops.

Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, overview of research interests, and three letters of recommendation to Professor Eddie R. Lowry Jr. (, Department of Romance and Classical Languages, Ripon College, P.O. Box 248, Ripon WI 54971. Review of files will begin December 1, 2009 and continue until the position is filled. Preliminary interviews will be held at the APA/AIA meeting in January. A fuller description of the position can be found under Employment Opportunities:

Ripon College, a Phi Beta Kappa liberal arts institution, is committed to diversity in all its forms and encourages all qualified individuals to apply.