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The Department of Classics of Rutgers University-New Brunswick announces the conversion of the temporary appointment advertised in the October 2003 APA Positions list to an entry-level tenure-track position for a generalist with a specialty in classical Latin poetry; accordingly the Department's ongoing search will be extended. The teaching load is two courses per semester; candidates should anticipate completion of the Ph.D. by June 2004. Applicants who have submitted dossiers for the previously advertised temporary position will automatically receive consideration for the tenure-track appointment. Others should send a cover letter, CV, and three letters of recommendation to Professor Sarolta Takacs, Department of Classics, Ruth Adams Building 004, 131 George Street, Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ 08901. Review of new applications starts 5 February 2004 and will continue until the position is filled. Rutgers University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. Women and members of minority groups are particularly encouraged to apply.