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Posts by Scott Arcenas
Review: Digital Augustan Rome
Digital Augustan Rome is a web-based platform that provides a visual synopsis, with textual commentary, of contemporary scholarship on the topography of Rome, c. 14 CE. On the project’s homepage, the director David Romano emphasizes that DAR is in only the second of four planned stages (as of April, 2017). Even at this stage, however, DAR already constitutes a significant contribution to scholarship on the topography of Augustan Rome. I would highly recommend a visit to the site. DAR is a digital successor to the 2002 print volume Mapping Augustan Rome.[1] In its current form, it relies almost entirely on material that has already been published and reviewed.[2] In this review, therefore, I focus primarily on those aspects of the project that are unique to DAR—namely, its presentation of the material in a specifically digital format. I begin with a brief introduction. I then Read more … |