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Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants, January – April 2020

Some of our short-term fellowship and Classics Everywhere award winners are deferring use of their awards until Fall 2020 or 2021 owing to COVID-19. However, we congratulate everyone who was awarded a scholarship, fellowship or grant this spring, and we thank our selection committees for their hard work.

TLL Fellowship:

Amy Koenig

Pearson Fellowship:

Lydia Cawley

Frank M. Snowden, Jr. Undergraduate Scholarships (formerly the Minority Scholarships in Classics and Classical Archaeology):

Alanis Gonzalez

Aditi Rao

Camryn Shiroma

Polyxeni Trikoulis

Ye Zhou

Coffin Fellowship:

Nathalie Roy

Zeph Stewart Awards for Teacher Training:

Alexandra Galarza

Kimberly Gilmore

Pedagogy Awards:

Olga Faccani

Katherine Lawhorn

Blanka Misic

Koenen Fellowship (for training in papyrology):

Susan Rahyab

Classics Everywhere Grants (February 2020 deadline awards):

John C. Franklin (Vermont)

Second Vermont Classical Play / City Dionysia (Aristophanes Clouds)

Donna Clevinger (Mississippi)

‘Unchain My Heart’: Staging Prometheus Bound for Today’s Audiences

Christina Franzen (West Virginia)

The Wars Within, The Wars Without: Lucan's Civil War through Modern Veterans' Eyes

Penny Diamantopoulou (Greece)

Martha Graham Interprets Greek Myth

Dayne Rugh (Connecticut)

Owls to Athens: An Odyssey through Ancient Greek Culture

Alexandra Pappas (California)

Conversations with Homer

Melissa Saunders (Massachusetts)

It Starts With The Stars: Learning Introductory Latin Through Western Zodiac’s Mythology

Nadya Williams (Georgia)

Cathartic History Conference

Genevieve Romanelli (North Carolina)

Classical Crosswords

Mike Lippman (Nebraska)


Sydnor Roy (Texas)

Arachne's threads: Spinning and Fiber in the Ancient Mediterranean

David Tapper (Illinois)

Inclusive Classics: Retelling Greco-Roman Myths for the 21st Century

Ayelet Haimson Lushkov (Texas)

Pocket Classics: a Video and Podcast Project

Rachele Pierini (Italy)

Classical Words, Modern Heroes: Examples from 21st century CE