Please join us on Monday, February 14, 2022, at 4:00-5:30pm EST, for a career webinar for PhDs and graduate students on K-12 teaching (registration required).
ACLS will offer a virtual presentation for PhDs and graduate students to learn about teaching roles in K-12 schools during a Q&A with people representing K-12 independent and public schools.
We hope this will prepare anyone interested in applying to K-12 independent and public schools for Fall 2022 teaching roles, which are advertised primarily in winter. Teaching at public schools is a less immediate option because of certification and degree requirements which vary by state, so most of our panelists teach in independent schools, which don’t require certification.
Juan Carlos Aguirre, PhD; English Teacher, Collegiate School, New York, NY; Adjunct Instructor, NYU Opportunity Programs
Susan Bree, PhD, Classroom Teacher and Curriculum Coordinator, World Languages, Croton-Harmon High School, Croton-on-Hudson, NY
Liz Fernandez, Administrator, New York State Association of Independent Schools Job Fair and Principal Consultant, JONES
Katie Holt, PhD, History Department Chair, Emma Willard School, Troy, NY
Tinia R. Merriweather, PhD, Ethics Department, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Bronx, NY; Adjunct Instructor, Department of Applied Psychology, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University
Register now: Click here to register now.
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