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Amphora, the Outreach publication of the Society of Classical Studies, is seeking a classicist, preferably with university, secondary school or equivalent institutional association, a record of publication, and editorial experience to serve as its Assistant Editor. The appointment will take effect when the term of the current Assistant Editor concludes. The initial term of appointment for the Assistant Editor will be for two years, with the possibility of reappointment. The Assistant Editor receives an honorarium of $500 per year.

Sponsored by the SCS Division of Communications and Outreach, Amphora aims to convey the intellectual excitement of classical studies to a broad readership. It offers accessible articles written by professional scholars and experts on topics of interest that include classical languages, literature, mythology, history, culture, tradition and reception, archaeology and the arts, as well as reviews of current books, films and websites.

Amphora has transitioned to a nearly fully electronic publication with the support of the SCS Communications Committee and the Committee on Public Information and Media Relations. However, some print-on-demand and other traditional publication may be part of Amphora's future mission, so the Assistant Editor should have some experience with those publication media as well.

Engaging and informative, Amphora is intended for a diverse group of classics enthusiasts: K-12 teachers and students, classicists at colleges and universities, present and former classics majors, administrators in the field of education, community leaders, and interested academics and professionals in other fields.

The Assistant Editor assists the Editor with editorial work, coordinates book reviews and helps to manage publishing permissions for content, including images. Along with the Editor, the Assistant Editor works closely with an Editorial Board on the solicitation and review of articles and collaborates with the SCS’s Information Architect to increase the interactive possibilities of Amphora as an online publication, and with the Vice-President of the Division of Communications and Outreach to prepare “press releases” about selected articles for media outlets with a wide circulation.

The search committee for the position is chaired by Wells Hansen, current Amphora editor; SCS Executive Director, Helen Cullyer; the VP for Communications and Outreach Matthew McGowan; and Molly Pasco-Pranger, Associate Professor and Chair of Classics at the University of Mississipi.

We welcome applications that propose innovative publication strategies and ideas for increasing the journal’s audience. Those interested in this position should send a letter outlining their qualifications along with a curriculum vitae to Helen Cullyer ( by Wednesday, March 1st, 2017. The review of applications will begin immediately after the deadline.


(Photo: "_DSC7061" by rhodesj, licensed under CC BY 2.0)