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Here is the call for panels for the 17th annual ISNS conference, to be held in Ottawa on June 12-16, 2019, in conjunction with Dominican University College.

Anyone interested in organizing a panel at the conference should send a brief description of the panel along with its title and the name(s) and email address(es) of the contact person(s) to the conference organizers:

Mark Nyvlt <>

Louise Rodrigue <>

Suzanne Stern-Gillet <>

John Finamore <>

Panel descriptions are due to us by January 21, 2019. I will email the list of proposed panels to the ISNS membership before February 4. Panel organizers are responsible for choosing and collecting abstracts for their panels. They should notify the organizers of their decisions by February 25. Abstracts should be no more than one page, single spaced.

We also welcome individual abstracts for papers that do not fall under any of the announced panels. Please send those abstracts (again, one-page maximum) to the four conference organizers above.

All abstracts, whether individual or for inclusion in panels, are due by February 25, 2019. Papers may be presented in English, Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, or Italian. It is recommended that those delivering papers in languages other than English provide printed copies to their audience at the conference.

Please note that anyone giving a paper at the conference must be a member of the ISNS. You may sign up and pay dues on the web site of the Philosophy Documentation Center:

Dues are $60.00 per year ($20.00 for students and retirees).

Participants may give only one paper at the conference and therefore should submit only one abstract.

If you have any questions about the program, registration, or location of the conference, please email Mark Nyvlt <>.

Questions about ISNS policies should be addressed to me at


(Photo: "Handwritten" by A. Birkan, licensed under CC BY 2.0)