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Eleatic Ontology: Origin and Reception is a multi-volume publication project supported by UNESCO and the Universidade de Brasilia.

The central idea of Eleatic Ontology: Origin and Reception is to gather in one editorial product a description of Eleatic ontology, its first developments, and its lasting and powerful influence on all western thought. The project will do this by inviting and drawing on scholarly articles from the international academic community.

The work is divided into 4 major periods. One volume will be devoted to each. We currently seek submissions of proposals for Volume One, Eleatic Ontology in Ancient Philosophy. Volume I will cover the period from Parmenides, Zeno, and Melissus through late antiquity.

We invite submissions of proposals. Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (500-700 words, better if combined with a shorter abstract) in English as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file prepared for blind review. Please, provide also information about your affiliation and contact details in a separate file. All of that should be submitted to

See the web page,, for the editorial project and all details for the submission.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: December 31, 2018.
Deadline for submission of articles from accepted abstracts: June 30, 2019.


(Photo: "Handwritten" by A. Birkan, licensed under CC BY 2.0)