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International Conferences of Novelty in Classics

1st ICoNiC: Audience Response in Ancient Greek and Latin Literature: Concepts, Contexts, Conflicts - Multiple Approaches to Author-Audience Relationship

02-03 September 2022 (virtual via MS Teams)

The Division of Classics, in collaboration with the Postgraduate Program in Classics of the University of Ioannina, will host a series of International Conferences on Novelty (new approaches, original readings, and innovative fields of study) in Classics. Their main aim is to aggregate specialists from abroad in the Department of Philology and the city of Ioannina. At the same time, young researchers will have the opportunity to participate in the Conferences and their organisation and get necessary feedback and experience. The results will be valuable to the academic community, as new ideas and collaborations/research projects will materialize at an international level, and Ioannina will become a reference point of novelty in Classics. The speakers’ papers will be published by an international publishing house after a review process by the Scientific Committee.

Language: English

Abstracts (no more than a half a page) should be sent before the 30th of April 2022 to

The suggested fields to be explored concern modern, challenging albeit intriguing readings of Classical literature. The main focus will be laid on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches of the ancient world, as well as intercultural and comparative readings of the texts. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • the variety of responses found in a text
  • audience positions embedded in the texts
  • internal addressees / external audience
  • gendered dynamics in audience response
  • categorizing audiences (generic differences)
  • divergent perspectives on the topic of audience / reader response
  • the authors relation to audience
  • the authors’ conception of their audience
  • the response of the audience to the author’s intentions
  • the ways in which the authors played with their readers’ expectations by both alluding to and breaking the generic conventions
  • the ways in which “intended” audiences determined the stylistic and compositional choices of the authors
  • author intention and audience response match
  • “intended” audience and generic rules
  • the emphasis on audience / de-emphasis on author
  • demands and pressures placed on the authors by their audiences
  • techniques of steering or manipulating the audience

You can find more information about the conferences and the CFP here:


(Photo: "Handwritten" by A. Birkan, licensed under CC BY 2.0)