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This seminar aims to engage attendees in a broad discussion about race in the study of the ancient Mediterranean world. The organizers and speakers, a mixture of established and early career scholars, form part of the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to Classics and Race. We show how race and related concepts (e.g. “racial formation”, Omi and Winant 2015; “racecraft”, Fields and Fields 2014) can be mobilized to enhance our understanding of a wide range of topics, both in antiquity (Roman Drama, Ancient Philosophy, Late Antiquity) and in the modern formation of the discipline (Classical Art History, Reception of Greek Tragedy, Transimperialism). Six pre-circulated papers corresponding to those topics will illustrate the opportunities and challenges of thinking with and about race in Classics..

This seminar will be in-person and will require participants to take active part in the discussion of pre-circulated papers. Participation will be capped at a maximum of 50 participants, and pre-registration is required. Registration will open on 1st December 2022 and will close on 15th December 2022, on a first-come first-served basis. For any questions, please contact the organizers (Rosa Andújar, Elena Giusti, and Jackie Murray) at

To register, use this online form

The seminar will be held during the AIA/SCS Annual Meeting and will take place on Sunday January 8 from 8:00-11:00am CST.

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