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Below is the complete programme of the KCL International Postgraduate Workshop "Lyric Beyond Lyric - 'Submerged' Traditions, Generic Interactions, and Later Receptions".

The programme can be found below as well as on our Facebook page (@Lyric-Beyond-Lyric) and on .

The workshop will take place on 24 May 2018 at the Strand campus, King's College London (room S0.13). Our confirmed keynote speaker will be Prof Pauline LeVen (Yale University).

To attend the workshop, registration via Eventbrite is mandatory for all attendees (excluding confirmed speakers and respondents). The conference is free to attend and lunch and refreshments will be provided. The Eventbrite registration for the event will close at 8 pm on 11 May 2018.

We are looking forward to welcoming you all in London!

The Organisational Committee LBL (Chiara Ciampa, Francesca Modini, and Antonio Genova)


09:00-09:30 Welcome addresses

09:30-11:00 First Session

09:30-10:00 IL-KWEON SIR (Oxford) – Popular Alcaeus? Submerged Genres and the Question of Authorship in Alcaeus
10:00-10:15 Discussion – Respondent Dr PETER AGÓCS (UCL)

10:15-10:45 ELIA MARRUCCI (Verona / ALU, Freiburg) – Away from the Men’s Path on the Chariot of Poetry: Genres in Dialogue in Parmenides’ ΠΕΡΙ ΦΥΣΕΩΣ.
10:45-11:00 Discussion – Respondent Dr SHAUL TOR (KCL)

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-13:00 Second Session

11:30-12:00 GIULIA DONELLI (Morley College, London) – Herodotus’ ‘Lyric’ Portrayal of Themistocles
12:00-12:15 Discussion – Respondent Prof HUGH BOWDEN (KCL)

12:15-12:45 CHRISTOPHER WALDO (Berkeley, California) – Faint Praise: Euripides and the Reception of the Victory Ode
12:45-13:00 Discussion – Respondent Dr DAVID FEARN (WARWICK)

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-16:15 Third Session

14:00-14:30 THOMAS J. NELSON (Cambridge) – Lyric Beyond the Canon: The Ithyphallic Hymn for Demetrius Poliorcetes
14:30-14:45 Discussion – Respondent Dr PAVLOS AVLAMIS (KCL)

14:45-15:15 DAVID PERRY (Chicago) – The ‘Spartan’ Anapestic Marches PMG 856, 857 and 858
15:15-15:30 Discussion – Respondent Prof MICHAEL TRAPP (KCL)

15:30-16:00 ROBERT A. ROHLAND (Cambridge) – Carpamus dulcia: Excerpting Lyric Carpe Diem
16:00-16:15 Discussion – Respondent Dr EMILY PILLINGER (KCL)

16:15-16:45 Tea Break

16:45-17:45 Prof PAULINE LEVEN (Yale) – The ‘Submerged’ Song of the Lyric Bird in the Greek and Latin Tradition

17:45-18:45 Closing remarks and wine reception (River Room)


(Photo: "Empty Boardroom" by Reynermedia, licensed under CC BY 2.0)