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Performing Ancient Greek Literature in a Time of Pandemic


23-24 June 2022

Organizers: Anastasia Bakogianni (Massey University, New Zealand) and Barbara Goff (University of Reading, UK)

Link to registration form:

Day 1: 23 June 2022 (Northern Hemisphere) / 24 June (Southern Hemisphere)

London: Thursday evening 1900 hours

Auckland: Friday morning (24th June) 0600 hours

Rio de Janeiro: Thursday afternoon 1500 hours

Madrid: Thursday evening 2000 hours

Welcome (Anastasia and Barbara)

Chair: Anastasia Bakogianni

Panel 1 on Brazil (90 minutes)

1 A Brazilian Illustrated Chronicle of Classical Theatre during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Renata Cazarini de Freitas, Professor of Latin Language and Literature at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niteroi, Brazil.

2 Performing Antigone in the Land of the Unmourned: Tragedy and Spectacle

Beatriz de Paoli, Professora de Língua e Literatura Grega, Faculdade de Letras - Departamento de Letras Clássicas, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

3 Tragic and Epic Aspects of the Mini-Opera Penélope 19: A Mixed-Genre Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Prof. Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho, Philosophy Department, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil

Break (15 minutes)

Panel 2: Conversations with theatre practitioners

London: Thursday evening 2100 hours

Auckland: Friday morning (24th June) 0800 hours

Rio de Janeiro: Thursday afternoon 1700 hours

Madrid: Thursday evening 2200 hours

Gabriela Geluda (actress and soprano)

Armando Lôbo (composer, musician and independent producer)

Luis Sorolla (actor and playwright), Teatro de la Abadía, Madrid

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day 2: 24 June

London: Friday morning 0800 hours

Auckland: Friday evening 1700 hours

Lagos: Friday morning 0800 hours

Cape Town: Friday morning 0900 hours

Chair: Barbara Goff

Panel 3 on Africa (90 minutes)

Conversations with academics and theatre practitioners

  1. Rites of Mediation: Medea/Medaaye in a Season of Plague

Tunde Awosanmi, Department of Theatre Arts, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

  1. Medaaye: Making a Play in a Global Pandemic

Kunbi Olasope, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

  1. Mandla Mbothwe, playwright and director, University of Cape Town, South Africa, and Co-Artistic Director at Magnet Theatre
  2. Mark Fleishman on directing Medaye as an online performance.

Break (30 minutes)

Panel 4: Italy and Greece

London: Friday morning 1000 hours

Auckland: Friday evening 1900 hours

Lagos: Friday morning 1000 hours

Cape Town: Friday morning 1100 hours

1 The ‘Emotion of Multitude’: Staging the Greek Chorus during Italy’s Covid-19 Response

Prof. Martina Treu, Greek Language, Literature and Drama, Department of Humanities, Università IULM, Milano, Italy

2 Greek Drama Goes Online: Theatre as Consolation in Modern Greece

Anastasia Bakogianni, Massey University, New Zealand

Closing remarks (Anastasia and Barbara)

A group of people on a stageDescription automatically generated

From left to right: Stefano Scherini, Nicola Ciaffoni, Giovanna Scardoni, Francesca Botti and the Chorus (on screen), Mitmacher Teatro, Gli Uccelli - un'Utopia, Première at the Ancient Roman Theatre - Verona (27 August 2021). Photo: Courtesy of Studio Brenzoni