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Anchoring Innovation is the new research agenda of OIKOS, the National Research School in Classical Studies in the Netherlands. This agenda was developed with the financial support of Leiden University, Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Amsterdam and University of Groningen. It looks at innovation processes in various domains, including politics, religion, architecture, literature, linguistics and technology, in classical antiquity. The concept of “anchoring” refers to the many different ways in which people connect new developments and initiatives in these domains with the old, the familiar and traditional. Discourse-cohesion, intertextuality, memory studies, architectural transitions can be considered examples of ‘anchoring innovation’. To help us implement this research agenda we are currently looking for 4 PhD students and 4 postdocs:

Radboud University Nijmegen 1 PhD candidate Greek / Latin
1 PhD candidate Ancient History / Classical Archaeology 1 Postdoc Latin, 1.0 fte, 3 years
1 Postdoc Roman Archaeology, 1.0 fte, 3 years

University of Groningen
1 Postdoc Greek / Latin, 1.0 fte, 3 years
1 Postdoc Ancient History, 1.0 fte, 3 years

Leiden University
1 PhD candidate Latin

University of Amsterdam
1 PhD candidate Greek

For a full description of the individual projects and their requirements, see The deadline for submission of application to most of these projects is end of October, 2014. See