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10 funded PhDs opportunities within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie doctoral network “From Antiquity to Community: Rethinking Classical Heritage through Citizen Humanities” (AntCom)

Are you interested in cultural heritage, reception studies and/or the new frontiers of manuscript studies? Are you passionate about cutting-edge research but you also want to boost your skills by learning about new approaches and technologies? We might have something for you.

We are a network of four universities (University of Southern Denmark, University of Verona, University of Salento, University of Santiago de Compostela), funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Sktodowska-Curie Action, Grant Agreement 101073543. We have created an innovative training program called “From Antiquity to Community: Rethinking Classical Heritage through Citizen Humanities”, where we will investigate various aspects of the reception of Graeco-Roman cultural heritage (manuscript, linguistic and narrative) in Europe.

We advertise:

  • 10 PhD positions

PhD candidates are expected to be recruited either from 01/09/2023 to 31/08/2026 or from 01/10/2023 to 30/09/2026, depending on the enrolling institution, under a 36- month research contract and will be enrolled in the PhD program starting from the 2023-2024 academic year. Depending on the chosen fellowship (details in the call), PhDs will be based at one of the consortiums universities. Mutual secondments are part of the program.

We offer a generous living and research allowance (gross amounts):

  • Living: 3,400 €/month corrected by a country-specific coefficient established by the European Commission
  • Mobility allowance: 600 €/month
  • Family allowance (optional): 660 €/month.

Deadline for the application is the 24th of April

Interested applicants will find information on the training program, on each fellowship as well as details on specific requirements and the application process on the consortium’s website: For further questions you are welcome to contact the project’s PI Aglae Pizzone ( or the project’s project manager Claudia Zichi ( We look forward to receiving your applications!

AntCom From Antiquity to Community Blue-Green Logo