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this is a very urgent appeal for the future of Classics at the Democritus University of Thrace

We members of the Department of Greek Philology, a Department that focuses on Greek philology of all periods, have been informed about the Greek Government’s decision to promptly pass legislation regarding the merger of our Department with the other two of the School of Classics and Humanities (i.e. the Dep. of History and Ethnology and the Dep. of Languages, Literature and Black Sea Countries) into a single Department. We express unequivocal opposition to such action and regret for the haste in its implementation.

We consider such an act of curtailing Greek Philology in Greece, and especially in Thrace, as inconceivable. Nowhere in the world Departments of the national language and literature are abolished; these subjects are integral to university entrance examinations globally. Even if candidates nationwide were to cease selecting Greek Philology for their studies, no Greek government would be justifies in abolishing it, for obvious reasons,

Therefore, we ask for you immediate and warm support in this unacceptable state of things hoping that our unanimous protest worldwide will stop such an unbelievable planning.

on behalf of the Dep.

Flora P. Manakidou

Professor of Greek

please go to the following link and sign

(There you can find the full English version of our protest)

DUTH logo with picture of Democritus