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Dear SCS Member,

I am writing with important news on 2016 Elections, SCS travel awards, and the next cycle of Officer and Committee elections and appointments.

1. Voting in the 2016 elections opened last Monday, August 1. Most of you should have received an email from our voting provider Vote-Now. Please check your spam and junk mail folders if you did not receive it. Those members who do not have valid email addresses on file in our membership database will receive paper ballots. You can also request a paper ballot by emailing me at or calling 212-992-7840.

2. Many graduate students and contingent faculty who will be presenting at the Annual Meeting in Toronto have responded to the call for applications for travel awards. We will notify those applicants by the end of August to let them know whether they will be receiving awards.

3. As you know, the SCS Board of Directors recently voted to change the Bylaws and Regulations of the Society, effective January 1, 2017. You can find here an updated survey requesting volunteers to be considered for elected offices (with terms beginning in 2018 for most offices and in Fall 2017 for the Nominating Committee) and committee appointments (with terms beginning in January 2017). There are many new opportunities to serve on committees. In addition to soliciting volunteers, Officers will be inviting members of existing committees that will be dissolved in 2017 to serve on new committees.

(Photo: "_DSC7061" by rhodesj, licensed under CC BY 2.0)