Kassandra Miller and Elizabeth Bobrick, co-chairs of the Classics and Social Justice committee, invite you to join the second in a series of online informal conversations about teaching in carceral settings, on Saturday, Oct. 21 (11am PT / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT). As with our first session on Saturday, Sept. 23, we’ll continue making connections between people who want to find out more about prison education and/or share their experiences as teachers. All are welcome!
We look forward to discussing your questions, learning about what you’ve done or might want to do, and sharing helpful resources. We plan to tug further on some of the threads that came up last time and add some new ones. If there is a particular topic you're eager to discuss, please send us an email so we can try to work it in. If you can’t attend, please write to us so that we can share resources with you.
If you are not yet on the broader Classics and Social Justice (CSJ) email list and would like to be, please reach out to either Kassi (kjmiller@colby.edu) or Elizabeth (ebobrick@wesleyan.edu). Through that list, you'll hear more about our other programming and have opportunities to weigh in on some CSJ decisions (e.g., SCS panel topics, event ideas, etc.).