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Preparing Graduate Students in Classical Studies for Pedagogical Effectiveness

A Zoom panel sponsored and hosted by SCS and the Committee on College and University Education.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023; 7:30pm EST.

Register here:

These five panelists will share their expertise and suggestions to facilitate the goals of preparing all graduate students in Classical Studies for their teaching careers:

Dr. Ellen Cole Lee, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Ivy Livingston, Harvard University

Dr. Amy Pistone, Gonzaga University

Dr. Colin Shelton, University of Chicago

Dr. Molly Swetnam-Burland, The College of William and Mary

The presider of the event is Dr. Evelyn Adkins, of Case Western Reserve University.

All are welcome!

poster for preparing graduate students in Classical Studies for Pedagogical Effectiveness, a zoom panel sponsored and hosted by SCS and the Committee on College and University Education, Wednesday February 15, 2023, 7.30pm EST