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The deadline for graduate students and contingent faculty to submit applications to SCS for travel stipends has now passed and all recipients of travel stipends have been notified of their awards. However, the Society is now accepting applications from members for funds to support the costs of childcare for children whose parent or parents are attending the Annual Meeting. The amount awarded will depend on the degree of need and the number of applicants.

Notification of subsidies will be sent to applicants by December 7th. Please note that applications should be made in US Dollars. Please include the information requested below, by cut / pasting it into an email sent to Helen Cullyer ( by NOVEMBER 30th, 2016.


Mailing address:


Institutional affiliation (if any):

Title of position:

Reason for attending Annual Meeting:

Amount of funds requested and brief summary of childcare arrangements:

Please note that members of SCS should not apply to both SCS and WCC for childcare subsidies. SCS will coordinate closely with WCC to ensure that as many applicants as possible receive subsidies from one organization or the other. Should demand for SCS funding exceed supply, we will run a lottery to determine subsidy recipients.


(Photo: "_DSC7061" by rhodesj, licensed under CC BY 2.0)