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SCS/AIA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Jan. 5 – 8, 2017

DEADLINE: Nov. 30th, 2016

The Women’s Classical Caucus offers a limited number of Travel & Child Care Grants to members in good standing who need financial assistance to attend the 2017 meetings of the SCS/AIA.

To be eligible, applicants must be WCC members in good standing with dues paid by January 15, 2017. In evaluating the applications, the WCC may also take into account the applicant’s reasons for attending the SCS/AIA (e.g., job interviews, presentation of or commentary on a paper, attendance at panels, other participation on the SCS/AIA program); record of service to the WCC; and receipt of previous grants from the WCC. Priority will be given to those who are not receiving a travel grant from the SCS/AIA. WCC travel grants have typically ranged from $200 – $500 per award, but the amount awarded will depend on the degree of need and the number of applicants.

Notification of subsidies will be sent to applicants by December 7th. Please note that applications should be made in US Dollars. Please include the information requested below, by cut / pasting it into an email sent to Sarah Blake ( by NOVEMBER 30th, 2016.


Mailing address:



Institutional affiliation (if any):

Academic Status (please underline one):

Tenured or tenure track faculty (or equivalent)

Adjunct/part time/underemployed faculty (explain below)

Graduate student


K-12 School teacher

Other (explain below)

Title of Paper (or other reason for attending SCS/AIA Annual Meeting):

Other possible sources of funding (please include amounts and the date by which you expect to be notified):

Are you requesting funds for childcare?

Is there any other information that may be relevant to this application?

Total Expenses (Travel):

Total Expenses (Childcare):

Total Requested from WCC:

Any additional information relevant to your expenses:


(Photo: "_DSC7061" by rhodesj, licensed under CC BY 2.0)