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Teaching Graduate-Level Ancient Greek Online

By Velvet Yates

Paper Three:

Teaching Graduate-Level Ancient Greek Online

This paper will describe experiences in leading an online review of

ancient Greek (2013-2014), and in preparing to teach an online graduate seminar on Plato's Symposium (Fall 2014). This seminar is the first course offering in ancient Greek in an established graduate-level distance learning program and represents a unique opportunity for students to do graduate-level work in Greek through an e-learning platform.

The 2014 College Greek Exam

By Albert Wantanabe

This paper reports on the sixth annual College Greek Exam (CGE), administered in

March, 2014 and discusses the upcoming digital version of the exam slated for March 2015. It recaps the history of the exam and its origins, as well as speculating on how the creation of the digital exam will allow programs access to an expanded set of externally-collected data, information which in turn may provide a useful tool for program assessment both at home institutions and in concert with larger regional and national accreditation bodies.