Author Response on Race: Antiquity and its Legacy
By Denise McCoskey
The author of Race: Antiquity and its Legacy will respond to the critics' comments and propose further comments on the state of the field and possible future developments.
Response #2 to Race: Antiquity and its Legacy
By Constanze Guthenke
The presenter, an expert on the history of scholarship and other receptions of the Classical world, will evaluate the contribution of Denise McCoskey’s Race: Antiquity and its Legacy from her scholarly perspective, and comment on the current state of the field and possible future developments.
Response #1 to Race: Antiquity and its Legacy
By Joseph Skinner
The presenter, an archaeologist and expert on Greek ethnography, will evaluate the contribution of Denise McCoskey’s Race: Antiquity and its Legacy from his scholarly perspective, and comment on the current state of the field and possible future developments.
Author Response on Gender: Antiquity and its Legacy
By Brooke Holmes
The author of Gender: Antiquity and its Legacy will respond to the critics' comments and propose further comments on the state of the field and possible future developments.
Response #2 to Gender: Antiquity and its Legacy
By Craig Williams
The presenter, an expert in sexuality and gender in the Roman world, will evaluate the contribution of Brooke Holmes’ Gender: Antiquity and its Legacy from his scholarly perspective, and comment on the current state of the field and possible future developments.
Response #1 to Gender: Antiquity and its Legacy
By Victoria Wohl
The presenter, an expert on gender in Greek literature, will evaluate the contribution of Brooke Holmes’ Gender: Antiquity and its Legacy from her scholarly perspective, and comment on the current state of the field and possible future developments.