kalos kalos in Context: Callimachus’ Unreal Aesthetics
By Matthew Chaldekas (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
kalos kalos in Context: Callimachus’ Unreal Aesthetics
Divine Anger at the Aiolids in Apollonius’ Argonautica
By William Troy Farris (University of Texas at Austin)
Divine Anger at the Aiolids in Apollonius’ Argonautica
The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the thematic significance that connects the anger of Zeus and Hera to the frequent aitia of sacrificial rituals which the Argonauts establish along their journey in Apollonius’ Argonautica.
Demetrius’ On Style and the Hellenistic Theories of Euphony
By Maria Gaki (University of Cincinnati)
Demetrius’ On Style and the Hellenistic theories of euphony
Apollonius of Rhodes and Early Stoic Approaches to Emotion
By Paul Ojennus (Whitworth University)
An Allusion to an Etymology of Latium in Lycophron’s Alexandra
By Kevin B. Muse (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee)
In Aeneid 8 Evander tells Aeneas that the god Saturn gave Latium its name because he "had hidden" there after his overthrow by Jupiter (Aen.
'Callimachus' in Oxford and Munich: Emigration and Remigration of Rudolf Pfeiffer (1937-1951)
By Hans Peter Obermayer (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)
In recent years research increasingly focused on Oxford's leading role hosting German "refugee classical scholars" in the 1930s, e.g., The Ark of Civilization: Refugee Scholars and Oxford University (2017) or Christopher Stray’s Festschrift Classical Scholarship and its History (2019).