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Envisioning Past Theatre for the Future

By Christopher Bungard (Butler University)

Envisioning Past Theatre for the Future

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed performers seeking an audience towards web-based platforms. This shift provides a unique opportunity for ancient theatre practitioners to think about how to deliver their ideas for future audiences. Streaming audiences are more likely to be younger and more diverse (Live-to-Digital). Given the challenges to Classics, now seems a particularly crucial time to think about the productive possibilities of presenting ancient theatre in digital formats.

Hecyra in Performance

By John Gruber-Miller (Cornell College)

Hecyra in Performance

Under the constraints of a pandemic, few would expect that a student production of Terence’s Hecyra on Zoom would yield any insights into Terence’s stagecraft.  Yet a December 2020 Zoom performance of select scenes of Terence’s Hecyra by students in intermediate Latin delivered insights into Terence’s plot construction, blocking in a video environment, and Terence’s unique use of asides and monologues.