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The Effigies of Allia Potestas (CIL 6.37965 = CLE 1988)

By Matthew D. Panciera (Gustavus Adolphus College)

Most scholarly discussions of the epitaph of Allia Potestas (CIL 6.37965 = CLE 1988) note the presence of five nail holes around its periphery by which it was affixed to the wall of a tomb. There is almost no mention, however, of the metal embedded in the center of the slab. It is 1.5 cm. tall, 2 cm. wide and protrudes visibly from the stone. The text is carefully laid out to accommodate it such that there is open space approximately 4.5 cm. tall and 2.5 cm. wide at the center of the inscription.

Augustan Elegy and CIL 6.5302: Literary Dynamics in Vigna Codini III

By Grace Funsten (University of Washington)

Located in Vigna Codini III just outside Rome, CIL 6.5302 is an unusual columbarium epitaph in many respects. It consists of eight lines in elegiac couplets, omits the names of both the dedicant and the deceased, and focuses for the most part on erotodidaxis rather than lament. In this paper, I offer a new reading of CIL 6.5302 centering its engagement with Augustan elegy.

Aristotle's Fragments and Justice

By John Anderson (University of Texas at Austin)

The fragments of Aristotle's works are unfortunately at present not given the attention they deserve. The material is fascinating in itself, but more importantly I argue they can challenge and contribute to our understanding of Aristotle's better-preserved works and ideas.

“Gender and Genre Play in the Copa”

By K. Sara Myers (University of Virginia)

In this talk I look at the literary texture and allusions in the Copa, its mix of high and low vocabulary and culture, and show how Surisca’s gender and status color the poem’s sophisticated presentation of the garden space. The copareplaces and unmans (24 sed non et uasto est inguine terribilis) Priapus’ usual masculine control over the garden (see Richlin 1992) and in the process reverses many earlier literary tropes. Rather than warning people away from the garden, she issues an invitation.