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The Department of Classical Languages and Literatures at Smith College invites applications for a one-year, full-time Visiting Assistant Professor to begin July, 2013. The teaching load will be five courses. While the specific courses to be taught will depend on area of specialization, we seek someone who can successfully teach Greek and Latin language and literature in the original as well as literature and culture in translation. A Ph.D. in hand by the date of appointment is required.

Please submit your application at with a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial graduate school transcript, sample syllabus or other teaching materials, brief writing sample, and three confidential letters of recommendation. Questions regarding the search should be directed to Professor Justina Gregory, Chair of Search Committee, Department of Classical Languages and Literatures.

Review of applications will begin December 14, 2012. Initial interviews will take place at the American Philological Association annual meeting in Seattle, WA, January 3-6, 2013, or via video conference if necessary.

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