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Stanford University invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships in the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in the Humanities, an opportunity for recent Ph.D. recipients in the humanities to develop as scholars and teachers. Up to six fellowships will be awarded for two-year terms. Fellows teach two courses per year in one of Stanford’s humanities departments and participate in the intellectual life of the program. Fellows are expected to be in residence during the term of their appointment. Fellows will be affiliated with the Stanford Humanities Center and have the opportunity to be active in its intellectual life.
Eligible fields for 2011-12: Classics; History; Philosophy; Religious Studies. Candidates must have received their Ph.D. between 1/1/08 and 6/30/11. Fellowships begin on 9/1/11.
The stipend for 2011-2012 will be approximately $60,000, and includes additional support for computer assistance, research, and relocation, depending on the Fellow’s needs.
Applications must be submitted by 11/15/10. To apply, complete the online application process at and submit the following:
Cover letter (circa one page) describing research/teaching interests to an interdisciplinary search committee; Curriculum vitae; Dissertation abstract (up to three pages); A sample of written work (article length, no longer than 40 pages); A separate description of teaching experience/interests (up to three pages); Three confidential letters of recommendation (or the applicant’s active graduate school dossier).
Faxed/emailed application materials cannot be considered. Stanford Ph.D.’s/employees not eligible for consideration. Only complete applications will be considered. Finalists may be interviewed. For more information visit