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The Stanford Humanities Center - Stanford, CA
The Stanford Humanities Center invites applications for the position of Associate Director to begin 9/1/02.

Description: Reports directly to the Center's Faculty Director; provides administrative, intellectual and program support for Center activities; participates in all policy making decisions within the Center; assists the Director in setting priorities and seeking external funding.

Responsibilities: academic policy execution, fellowship program, research workshop program, event programming, fiscal planning, grant writing and reporting, and creation of academic content for the Center website. The Associate Director also engages in individual humanities scholarship through research, writing, and professional association.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in a humanities discipline; 2 or more years' administrative experience preferred; academic experience preferred; excellent written and oral communication, research, and organizational skills. Communicates effectively with faculty and staff at all levels of the University and with distinguished visitors. A complete job description may be found at:

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and cover letter to: Susan Sebbard, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, 424 Santa Teresa Street, Stanford, CA 94305-4015. Email: Stanford University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

The Department of Classics at Stanford University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Roman history, to start September 2002. The candidate will be expected to teach courses on all levels, both in translation and making use of Latin. Area of specialization is open, but our preference is for those with an interest in multi-disciplinary approaches to the ancient past. Applications, comprising a CV, three letters of recommendation, and a writing sample (not longer than 25 pages) should be sent to Chair, Roman History Search Committee, Department of Classics, Bldg. 20, Main Quad, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2080. Telephone: (650) 723-2581; fax (650) 725-3801. Application deadline: March 1, 2002. Stanford University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

Stanford Humanities Fellows - A Postdoctoral Program Supported by the Mellon Foundation. This year, Stanford University inaugurates the Stanford Humanities Fellows Program, a postdoctoral fellowship designed to give the best recent Ph.D. recipients in the humanities a unique opportunity to develop as scholars and teachers. Up to 6 Fellowships will be awarded for a two-year term, renewable for a third year. Fellows will teach one course, and contribute a second course-equivalent, in one of Stanford's fifteen humanities departments. In addition, Fellows will be expected to participate in the intellectual life of the program by sharing work in progress, meeting regularly as a group and with faculty Senior Fellows, and generally contributing to the community of humanists at Stanford. It is expected, too, that Fellows will be in residence during the term of their appointment. Over the next three years, the total number of fellows is expected to be between 12 and 15. Candidates from all areas of the humanities are welcome to apply, but as we build the program we will give priority to the following disciplinary clusters, year-by-year:

2001-02 Competition, for Fellowships beginning in 2002: Classics, History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies.

2002-03 Competition, for Fellowships beginning in 2003: Art History, Drama, Music, and English Literature.

2003-04 Competition, for Fellowships beginning in 2004: European Languages and Literatures (Comparative Literature, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish), Asian Languages and Literatures (Chinese, Japanese), and Linguistics.

The stipend for 2002-2003 will be approximately $50,000, and will include additional support for computer assistance, research, and moving expenses, depending on individual Fellow's needs. Candidates for this year's competition must have received their Ph.D. degree between January 1, 1999 and June 30, 2002.

There is no application form. Please submit the following materials by December 1, 2001, to the address below: 1) Curriculum vitae; 2) dissertation abstract; 3) a sample of written work (e.g., dissertation chapter, published or forthcoming article, no longer than 50pp); 4) a description of teaching experience and interests (up to three pages): e.g. courses already taught or proposed, as well as a general statement pedagogical approaches. NB: Courses will be offered through standing Stanford departments; applicants should familiarize themselves with recent course offerings and department curricula (, links to individual departments); and 5) Three confidential letters of recommendation (or the applicant's active graduate school dossier).

Faxed or electronic applications cannot, at present, be considered. Send all materials to: Professor Seth Lerer, Director, Stanford Humanities Fellows Program, Department of English, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305.

Only complete applications will be considered. All applications will be acknowledged. The committee of selection will meet in December and January. Finalists may be interviewed. Successful applicants will be informed by March 1, 2002.