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1)The Classics Department at Stanford University wishes to make an appointment in Latin literature at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) that begins not in the coming academic year but for September 2006. The initial appointment will be for four years and renewable upon satisfactory review for three years. Competence in and a willingness to teach the full range of classical Latin literature are essential. Areas we wish to strengthen include Latin prose texts and Republican Latin literature, but above all we wish to appoint a candidate with proven philological skills and the potential to make an important contribution to the study of Latin literature.

The deadline for applications is December 15, 2004. Send letters of application with full CV and a writing sample of no more than 30 pages to Professor Susan Stephens, Acting Chair, Department of Classics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2080 (FAX 650-725-3801). Candidates should also arrange for three or four letters of recommendation to be sent directly to Professor Stephens as soon as possible. Short-listed candidates will be invited to campus in January-February 2005. Stanford University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

2) Humanities Fellows Program/Classics Dept. Stanford University invites applications for the Stanford Humanities Fellows Program, a postdoctoral fellowship designed to give the best recent Ph.D. recipients in the humanities a unique opportunity to develop as scholars and teachers. Up to six two-year fellowships (beginning 9/1/2005) will be awarded in the following fields: Classics, History, Philosophy and Religious Studies. Annual stipend is $50,000 plus benefits and other support. Fellows are provided offices in and teach for standing humanities departments. Course load: one course and one course-equivalent per year; courses taught may be undergraduate or graduate-level at department's discretion. Applicants must have received a qualified Ph.D. between 1/1/2002 and 6/30/2005.

Deadline for applications is November 29, 2004. Please complete the on-line application form on our web site and submit the following application materials by mail: a brief cover note; curriculum vitae; a teaching statement; dissertation abstract; writing sample; and your graduate school dossier or at least three letters of recommendation. Materials should be sent to: Seth Lerer, Director/Humanities Fellows Program/Stanford University/450 Serra Mall, Bldg 460-Rm 201/Stanford, CA 94305-2087. EO/AAE. Finalists may be interviewed. Please see our display ad in the Chronicle of Higher Education (Oct. 1, Oct. 8) or visit for more details.